FAKE (Manuel Seikritt, Amsterdam – 1980) est un artiste de rue depuis 2005. Grâce aux pochoirs, il s’est très tôt fait connaître sur la scène du street art dans le monde entier. FAKE a parcouru le monde en réalisant ses peintures murales et son art dans des villes comme New York, Londres, Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles, Madrid, Copenhague, Oslo, Bangkok et bien d’autres. Il a exposé aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne, en France, au Danemark, en Norvège et aux Pays-Bas, en collaboration avec de prestigieuses galeries. Il a également collaboré avec des marques telles que Diesel, Bavaria, Philips, Vans, 55DSL... FAKE est récemment devenu très connu pour son oeuvre primée intitulée “Super Nurse”, une ode à tous les professionnels de la santé du monde entier à l’époque du COVID-19. “Super Nurse” a été présenté sur des chaînes de télévision nationales et internationales telles que MSNBC, AlJazeera et la chaîne nationale néerlandaise NPO1. - FAKE (Manuel Seikritt, Amsterdam – 1980) has been a street artist starting in 2005. Using stencils he made his fame early in the street art scene all over the world. FAKE traveled the world making his murals and street art in city’s like New York, London, Paris, Berlin, LA, Madrid, Copenhagen Oslo, Bangkok and many more. He has had solo expositions and show in the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Norway and The Netherlands working with the best galleries. His stencil and graffiti work is highly collectable and wanted, with sold out shows at PAN Amsterdam and instantly sold out releases in collaboration with galleries. Amongst fans and collectors his work is in art collections such as the Rabobank Collection, celebrities, athletes and musicians. Most of his work contains autonomous work, but he also collaborated with brands such as Diesel, Bavaria, Philips, Vans, 55DSL. FAKE has recently become very known for his award winning artwork called “Super Nurse”, an “ode” to all healthcare professionals around the world in the time of COVID-19. “Super Nurse” was featured on national and international TV broadcast stations such as MSNBC, AlJazeera and Dutch national station NPO1.